Answers Lesson

Answers to Study Questions for Day 4 of Week Seven


1.      Describe the dragon.

Answer:    The dragon has seven heads, ten horns, and seven diadems.


2.      Why does the textbook author say most interpretations about the dragon’s heads and horns are nonsense?

Answer:    The textbook author says most interpretations about the dragon’s heads and horns are nonsense because the vision is not a symbolic representation of all history.


3.      What are we told about the child of the woman clothed in the sun?

Answer:    We are told the child of the woman clothed in the sun will rule all the nations with a rod of iron.


4.      How does the textbook author describe evil?

Answer:    Evil is described by the textbook author as the sum of all the wrong that humans do and think, and still more.


5.      Why does evil often surprise us?

Answer:    Evil often surprises us by how powerful evil really is.

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