Answers for
Lesson Seventy-two

Answers to Study Questions for Week Eleven Day Two

1. For what else does the heavenly liturgy continue?

Answer: The heavenly liturgy continues because the time for the marriage of the Lamb has arrived.

2. What is the contrast in the dress of the Lamb’s bride and the way the harlot was dressed?

Answer: The dress of the Lamb’s bride is fine linen, clean and good clothes, but the harlot was dressed in purple and scarlet with adornments.

3. What is the only decoration that the church wears?

Answer: The only decoration that the church wears is the actions of its members.

4. What is the main point the angel orders John to write?

Answer: The main point the angel orders John to write is the blessedness of those who are invited to the feast of the Lamb.

5. What declaration is made at the feast of the Lamb?

Answer: The declaration made at the feast of the Lamb is that the Lamb and its bride will never be separated again.

6. What happened when John tried to worship the angel?

Answer: When John tried to worship the angel he was forbidden to do so and told that only God is worthy of adoration.

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