March 2005 Issue

Cookin’ Good Gazette

March 2005 Issue


The consensus seems to be a preference for reading the Cookin’ Good Gazette online.

Other suggestions included some changes you will find in this issue. For example, to link to online parts only, like a link for the recipes and a separate link for the party plans.

Some of your subscribers wondered, since there is no charge for Cookin’ Good Gazette , why it was available only to subscribers, not to the general public. You thought that since there was no charge for the newsletter, there is no reason to hide it from the general public.

That’s a good question. The reason subscribers were given the privilege of accessing the Gazette online was to reward them for subscribing. On further consideration, since you have spoken, each issue of the Gazette will be made public. For one month.

Subscribers will be rewarded two ways in addition to notification when an issue is ready.

1. The current issue will be available to you as a subscriber in the archives after it is removed from general circulation.

2. An additional item will be sent only to subscribers in the announcement each month. It may be as simple as a special recipe, or a book you can download. This month the gift is the book, 100 ways to Cook Eggs.

You and your subscribers are doing a first rate chore in specifying what you want in the Gazette. Keep those letters coming. Keep recommending Cookin’ Good Gazette to your friends and relatives.

You know that even the best of us make mistakes. Your editorial staff is no different. Some fine Middle Eastern recipes were gathered for this issue in honor of Mawlid an-Nabi (Muhammad's Birthday). They thought it it occurred in March.

Oops! It’s really on April 21, 2005.

So these recipes will be reserved for the April issue. You’ll find the substitute recipes in this issue really wonderful.

Look for some great materials next month. For example, you will be able to download the Koran in English translation. This is especially popular as conflict continues in lands where this is their holy book.

Each of the following topics is a text link to the online location of the article. To access any of the following topics, click on the topic.

In this issue:
KayAnita's Letter
A great Monologue for an Easter Sunrise Service or a party:
Mary Magdalene Remembers
A timely article by KayAnita:
Spring Cleaning Hints

Luscious recipes
Annie’s South Carolina Baked Ham Supreme
Keys Conch’s Key Lime Roast Leg of Lamb Surprise
Kevin’s Sweet Potato Delight
Kevin’s Zucchini Squash Casserole
Yam and Squash Casserole

Easter Rabbit food: Three Scrumptious Salads
Layered Salad
Spinach and Bean Sprout Salad
Wilted Lettuce and Onion Salad
Forgotten Cookies

Parties Spring Break Party
Not Just Another Egg Hunt